Allô (hi)! I’m Simone, a Canadian currently living in Norway. I’m also a public health graduate with more than 10 years’ experience in recipe development. I started writing this newsletter a few years ago as a means to share simple, seasonal, and sustainable tips, recipes, and ideas that aim to make the everyday a little brighter — one bite at a time.

You can read more on why I write this newsletter right over here.

Subscribers to good food at home get monthly(ish) dispatches filled with seasonal thoughts and recommendations, while seasonal sundays readers now also receive weekly(ish) seasonal recipes, plus access to cooking Q&As and the full newsletter archive.

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a friendly dispatch of simple, seasonal + sustainable meals, tips & ideas ✨


canadian food writer & public health advocate living in norway — sharing simple, seasonal, and sustainable food, tips, ideas, and more 🌈🌿💛